As we leverage the cloud to make our lives easier, it’s imperative that we consider all the precautions to secure that cloud data. (Pixabay)News 

Securing Your Data and Maintaining Privacy with Cloud Services

Cloud computing has become an essential tool for both businesses and individuals in India, as the country undergoes rapid digitization. This technology has completely transformed the way data is stored, accessed, and shared. People are utilizing the cloud for various purposes, such as safeguarding valuable photos or confidential data. Nevertheless, as the popularity of cloud services increases, it is vital for users to acknowledge and tackle the security and privacy issues linked to this form of computing.

According to a Thales Group survey report, cloud assets and IoT devices were the top targets for cyber attacks in 2023. In India, 53% of respondents said their IoT devices were the top targets. Next came cloud-based storage (41%) and the cloud. delivered applications such as software-as-a-service or SaaS (40%). Meanwhile, 52% of respondents in India said human error was the primary cause of cloud breaches they experienced. This means that it is the end user’s responsibility to keep their data safe.

“Companies continue to see a serious threat picture in India and globally. In an increasingly cloud-based world, with cloud storage in India seen as one of the top targets for cyber attacks, according to a report, organizations need to maintain better control over their data to serve their stakeholders with greater security and confidence. ” said Ashish Saraf, VP and Country Head, Thales India.

As we take advantage of cloud computing to make our lives easier, it is imperative that we consider all precautions to protect cloud data. What can we as end consumers do?

Understanding cloud needs of Indian users

Cloud security is paramount in securing sensitive data for users across India. Here’s why.

India’s public cloud services market reached $2.8 billion in revenue in the first half of 2022, according to International Data Corporation‘s (IDC) Worldwide Semi-annual Public Cloud Services Tracker. This includes Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) solutions and Software as a Service (SaaS). The all-India public cloud services market is projected to reach US$ 13 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 23.1% during 2021-26.

Even globally, in 2023, end-user spending is expected to reach nearly $600 billion, according to Gartner.

Cloud computing has made life possible for Indian consumers and their demand is bringing some of the biggest cloud service providers to Indian shores.

Microsoft is the second largest market leader globally and in India. For example, more than 70% of the top companies on the Bombay Stock Exchange use Microsoft cloud solutions. The technology giant recently announced competitive prices in the country. Looking at the growing demand in the country, Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched its second data cluster site in Hyderabad last year. Google, the third largest provider, successfully integrated the Indian government’s cloud storage service into Android. This achievement combines national ID and government documents with the search giant’s operating system.

With such widespread use, we know the cloud isn’t going away anytime soon. And it’s a compelling case to be aware of how to secure valuable user data held by the cloud, especially since the average cloud user may have varying technical awareness, industry-specific, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Understanding Cloud Security

At a basic level, cloud security focuses on protecting data stored in the cloud from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other potential threats. Although your cloud service provider has invested a lot in security measures, as an end user you can play an important role in securing your data.

“If users proactively manage their cloud security, they can significantly secure their cloud data and privacy and ensure peace of mind,” Sashank Purighalla, founder and CEO of BOS Framework, a cloud services and compliance platform, told ReturnByte.

1. Strong passwords and two-factor authentication

Creating strong, unique passwords and implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) is the first line of defense. End users should avoid using easy-to-guess passwords and update them regularly to maintain security. For users with limited technical awareness, it is very important to emphasize the implementation of strong password generation and 2FA.

Purighalla explained with an example: “One of the great benefits of cloud computing is that many processes are simplified and often automated. However, this can lull users into a false sense of security. First, using a weak password is like leaving your house keys on the door and hoping no one gets in. So it’s not surprise that strong passwords are essential – passwords should be at least 12 characters long and contain symbols as well as upper and lower case letters.”

2. Encryption and data protection

If you have sensitive data in the cloud, using encryption techniques is essential to protect it. Encrypting data before uploading it to the cloud ensures that even if unauthorized access occurs, the data remains unreadable.

3. Usage Rights and Licenses

Cloud service providers provide robust access control mechanisms that allow users to determine who can access their data and what actions they can perform. As an end user, you have the power to carefully manage your access rights and limit access to only trusted individuals or communities.

4. Regular software updates and patch management

Make sure you keep your cloud applications, operating systems and devices up to date with the latest security patches. Service providers often release updates to fix vulnerabilities, and a quick installation can prevent potential exploits.

Purighalla also emphasized the need for anti-virus software. “Consumers can also protect themselves against malware by purchasing antivirus software that detects suspicious code, tests it in a controlled environment, and removes it before it damages files and devices,” he said.

5. Industry-specific safety instructions

It’s good to note that different industries have different data protection needs, which means that being aware of industry-specific guidelines is essential. Whether it’s healthcare, finance, or e-commerce, tailored security policies and compliance standards can help you understand the unique risks you face and put in place the appropriate protective measures.

Ensuring privacy in the cloud

Maintaining privacy is equally important when using cloud services. End users must be aware of potential risks and take proactive steps to protect their privacy.

1. Read and understand the privacy policy

Before ordering a cloud service, please read and understand the privacy policy and terms of service carefully. Make sure that the service provider respects users’ privacy and has clear guidelines on data handling, storage and sharing.

2. Data classification and storage

Categorize your information based on its sensitivity and importance. If any information is critical or identifiable information, encrypt and store it separately, ensuring tighter access control and limited sharing.

3. Choice of cloud service provider

Choose reputable cloud service providers that prioritize security and privacy. Look for service providers that adhere to recognized standards such as ISO 27001 and have strong data protection records. Due to India’s data localization regulations, it is a good idea to prioritize cloud service providers that store data within India’s borders. This ensures compliance with local laws and regulations while addressing cross-border data transfer concerns.

We also recommend companies whose reputation puts security and privacy at the forefront of the products they manufacture. “The biggest problem for companies is broken architectures. You can’t inject nice tools into vulnerabilities and expect to achieve security. Flexibility and integrity are the result of sound architecture and best practices,” said Purighalla.

4. Data backup and redundancy

Regularly back up data stored in the cloud to minimize data loss. You can also perform multiple backups, both in the cloud and on local devices, to provide an extra layer of protection for critical data.

5. Regular inspections and monitoring

Monitor cloud services for suspicious activity or unauthorized use. To do this, you can regularly review the usage logs and perform security audits to identify and fix potential vulnerabilities.

6. Use VPN in public

Since free public Wi-Fi is now mandatory in every coffee shop and bar, it has also become a hotspot for those who want to access unprotected devices and their data. So for end users who frequently use public Wi-Fi, virtual private networks (VPNs) are an easy addition to protecting their data.

“VPNs work by creating secure tunnels between the device and the VPN server; it can then encrypt and encrypt all the data that passes through, keeping it safe from prying eyes,” Purighalla said.

7. Inexpensive and easily accessible information security solutions

Cloud security is not just for the rich. There are cost-effective cloud security solutions out there. If you’re on a budget, choose open source security tools, free encryption software, and affordable data backup options to protect your data without compromise.

Cloud Secure

As India moves into the digital age, understanding and addressing cloud security and privacy issues is paramount for users across the country. By implementing strong security measures such as strong passwords, encryption and access control, users can minimize the risk of unauthorized access.

Understanding privacy policies, choosing cloud service providers carefully, and regularly monitoring data can further improve data security and privacy. By staying up-to-date and proactive, end users can utilize the full potential of cloud services while securing their valuable data in the digital world.

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